Site icon Michael Evans

10 Lessons I Learned in 2022

If you want the full BTS you should watch this video I made recapping my year:

First here are 10 lessons I learned/re-learned this year:

Lesson #1: Life is About the Little Moments

Lesson #2: The World is Bigger, Yet Smaller Than You Think

Lesson #3: Things Take Longer Than You Think

Lesson #4: Compound Interest is Everything

Lesson #5: Watch The Status Games You Play

Lesson #6: Give Yourself Permission to Focus

Lesson #7: Renaissance People are the Future

Lesson #8: People First, Readers First 

Lesson #9: You Can’t Do it All

Lesson #10: Knowing Who and How to Trust

And here’s a quick recap of my year:

And yes… there was more that happened… but I think that’s good enough for a recap :).

Looking ahead to 2023, I’ll be fully focused on running Ream with my two co-founders and launching the platform into the world. I’ll also be finishing out my junior year and starting my senior year at Harvard, but with most of my classes done… well it should be a fun time :).

I’m very grateful for all of you staying in tune with my journey. It’s been a wild ride these past 3 years. It started with me graduating high school in 2019. I wrote full-time during a gap year between high school and college… and then COVID hit.

I road tripped America with my college roommate, filmed dozens of YouTube videos (I have literally dozens of hours of unreleased footage) and live-streamed for a Sean Parker start-up. I founded my first technology company in 2021 focused on curated discovery of content… and now… well 2022 was an adventure and a half.

I can’t wait for the future. And am so grateful for the moments I’ve had.

It’s amazing what can happen in life when you have a dream and put everything you have into learning, adapting, and growing along the way.

6 years ago I started my publishing journey.

6 years later, I feel like I’ve accomplished and experienced everything I ever dreamed of. Yet it’s only just beginning. 

You are more powerful than you think. You are more capable than you know.

And your life can be better than you imagine.

One day at a time. Lead with passion. Live with love.

And make the most of every damn moment.

You’ll never get it back.

And don’t do it alone.

After all… you can’t forget…

Together we are boundless.

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